Author: librarian
As of July 1, 2021 the Paw Paw Public Library District will be fine free. We will no longer be charging for late books and DVD’s. Patrons will still be responsible/charged for the cost of damaged, lost and replacement items. If this occurs patrons will not be able to check out more items until the cost is paid.
Any item overdue by 30 days will be considered lost.
You do not need to wait until July 1 to turn in a book(s) if already late. Please turn in now and we will wave all fees. This includes books from inter library loan. If you already have fees/fines they are now waved also.
New Information!
Due to rising costs, As of July 1, 2025, a non-resident library card will be $70 for twelve months (one year). This card is for the whole family.
The next Board of Trustees Meeting for the Paw Paw Public Library District will be Tuesday, February 25th @ 6:30pm in the library’s conference/reading room. The Board Meetings are always the fourth Tuesday of the month, except December when the Board does not meet. Enter through the back entrance. The Public is always welcome.